Britney Spears at the age of 30 admitted that she had psoriasis
25 апреля, 2017
The popular American singer Britney Spears suffers from psoriasis. She told about it to reporters during the filming of the «X-factor» show in 2012. At that moment, Britney had strong psoriasis lesions of her feet, and she did not hide the disease, still wearing open sandals.
«Because of the hard working schedule, nerves and stress associated with filming in the country’s most popular project, I have exacerbated psoriasis,» Britney responded to journalists’ questions. She did not specify how long ago she had this disease.
«Britney is very much in pain and constantly combing her skin,» her friend told the media. «She bought a special cream, but quickly stopped using it, because it caused a burning.»
It is known that the Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill and the head of the Soviet government Josef Stalin, writer John Updike suffered from psoriasis. The actress Kara Delevingne and other famous, as well as millions of non-public, most ordinary people are struggling with this disease.